Insulmax injected blown fibre insulation and mineral wool insulation is the preferred product our contractors use for existing walls, ceilings and sub floors. Manufactured by melting and spinning inert minerals to form fine strands, these strands are then milled to form a very high performing blown micro fibre insulation.
An inert water repellent agent is then added which makes the product very resistant to the absorption of liquid water. The products used will not wick water and are a fully breathable. The milled micro fibres are able to be blow installed via small holes.
Pioneering Quality:
Insulmax is the first company in New Zealand to achieve CODEMARK certification, ensuring top-tier standards. Clients include Wellington City Council community housing, Trust House Wairarapa, and numerous homeowners, builders, and property investors.
Environmentally Friendly:
Because wall linings are not removed, Insulmax® saves tonnes of building materials from ending up in landfills, and the insulation is made from 84% post-consumer waste. It contains inert materials, is CFC and HCFC free, and is classified as having zero ozone depletion potential and zero global warming potential.
National Support:
Insulmax® is the largest and most specialised retrofit wall insulation group with owner-operated branches throughout the country offering local service, backed by national support and experience.
High-Performance Solution:
Our injected dry fibre insulation outperforms traditional expanding foams.
50 Year Guarantee:
All aspects of an Insulmax® wall insulation install are covered by a 50 year written guarantee excluding paint systems which are 15 years.
Zero Waste: Completely sustainable, with no building waste.
Durability: It won’t slump, shrink, or sag over time.
Superior Insulation: Provides the highest insulation values available.
Quick Installation: Typically completed in just one day.
Cost-Effective: About one-third the cost of alternatives.
Minimal Disruption: Little to no disturbance for you or your tenants.
Certified Work: All installations are conducted by a CODEMARK accredited company.
Thorough Checks: Each job is verified with thermal cameras for optimal performance.
Contact us today today for a quote and take your first step towards a warmer, more energy-efficient home.
All Insulmax injected blown fibre insulation products are installed by qualified, experienced, professional installers to local TA code requirements.

The thermal performance of Insulmax® is better than most types of conventional segment insulation. It is the only retro wall insulation method to be awarded CodeMark certification. The fineness of the micro fibres also contributes to its exceptional thermal insulation properties and allows it be densely packed into ceiling cavities so that it will not settle, sag or slump.
The position of Insulmax® as the innovative market leader in the Retrofit Wall Insulation industry was confirmed on 27th May 2016 when it became the first N.Z insulation company to be awarded CodeMark certification for its Retrofit Wall Insulation Method. The CodeMark certification includes all types of common existing buildings in New Zealand. Compliance of the system with the requirements of clauses B1, B2, F2, E2, C3 and H1 of the N.Z Building Code is monitored by the CodeMark certification body AssureQuality.
We used a FLIR camera to show you the effectiveness of injecting insulmax blown fibre insulation into the existing walls of your homes. Just look at the photos below to see the difference!

Is Insulmax® environmentally friendly?
YES! Insulmax® insulation is made from at least 84% post-consumer materials and is CFC and HCFC free. It is classified as having zero Ozone Depletion Potential and zero Global Warming Potential.
Creating a warmer, drier, more energy efficient home is also great for the environment. Reducing heatloss loss from your home means you can turn down your heater and achieve the same internal temperature. A portion of electricity is NZ is produced from non renewable sources so reducing your electricity use can reduces emissions of carbon dioxide as well as reducing your power bill .
What is CodeMark?
CodeMark is the only deemed to comply product certification scheme in Aotearoa New Zealand that shows a building product or method meets the requirements of the Building Code.
What does R value mean?
R values are a measure of the ability of a product to resist the flow of heat. This measure allows the effectiveness of different insulation materials to be compared. The higher the R value number, the better insulation properties of the product.
Because Insulmax® fills all available space, we state the R value as – R 2.8 over 100mm.
So, if your wall was 50mm thick the R value of the product would be R 1.4 and if it were 150mm thick the R value of the insulation would be R 4.2
For older homes, R values of the material are important but not as important as the realisation that the R value of the wall with no insulation is in the region R 0.2.
Can you install Insulmax® through the interior plaster board lining?
Yes. For some customers this is the preferred option and for some installs with high or difficult external access, installing through the plasterboard is the most cost effective option. You local independent Insulmax® representative will advise you of what install options are available for your property.
What is the Insulmax® installation procedure?
Timber Stud Walls: Insulmax® will be installed via small holes made in the exterior or interior wall lining. The cavities between the timber structural members will be filled with Insulmax®.
Masonry Veneer Walls: Insulmax® will be installed via small holes made in the interior wall lining or the exterior mortar joints where visible. The cavity from the inner face of the brickwork to the interior wall lining will be filled with Insulmax®.
Finishing: holes will be made good with the appropriate filler / mortar and made to match the existing wall as closely as possible. Unless agreed with your installer, it is the customers responsibility to supply the top coat to ensure a satisfactory colour match. Holes made in interior linings will be filled with plaster and left proud to be finished when the plaster is completely dry by the customer or their agent.
General Information: Power will be needed during the installation and vehicles may need to be parked close to your property. There will be a degree of noise during the installation. Your installer will ensure that your property is left tidy but small amounts of insulation may be left in gardens and borders etc. Small amounts of insulation may enter through existing gaps in the interior lining but will be tidied by your installer.
Who carries out the work?
Insulmax® is a licensed installation system with installs carried out by independent regional Insulmax® license holders. It’s not a DIY process. Insulmax® New Zealand Ltd. is responsible for the training and auditing of regional license holders to ensure installations are carried out correctly.
Our policy is – you’re only as good as your last install so make every one the best. Insulmax® staff will always treat your home with the utmost respect.
What about the holes you have to make?
The team at Insulmax® has developed proprietary installation machines so that we can deliver an install process with the smallest hole size of any injected dry fibre wall insulation product. We use a 16 mm (10c coin size) in timber clad/plasterboard cladding and 16 mm diameter holes (10c coin size) in brick / masonry cladding. The hole in the brick cladding is small enough to be made in the mortar joint between three bricks.
Our aim is to make the least number as holes as possible but the exact number of holes depends on how your home was constructed and the location of framing timber. Your independent licensed Insulmax® representative can give you detailed information about the installation of Insulmax® in your home.
How much heat is lost through the walls of my home?
A LOT – When you consider that an average home of 100 square meters has about 80 square metres of exterior walls, its no surprise that external walls lose a significant amount of heat. The large range of construction types and styles of home in New Zealand mean that it’s difficult to state an exact percentage of heat loss lost through walls. However, it’s typically it’s between 25% – 35%
Since the mid 80’s it’s been mandatory to build new homes with wall insulation, so the benefits have been recognised for many decades.
How does Insulmax® compare to traditional segment insulation?
The main difference is installation. We inject Insulmax® into the wall cavities. This means wall linings stay intact and the process takes 1-2 days, with very little mess or disruption. Some customers comment that when they got home from work they couldn’t tell the work had been completed, apart from their home was considerably warmer.
The cost of installing Insulmax® is considerably cheaper than removing wall linings. The finished insulation rating of the wall structure is at least the same as conventional products and often up to 50% higher in some construction types.
Insulmax® fills all available space within the wall, whereas conventional segment insulation can have gaps and joins.
Insulmax® is faster, tidier, quicker, cheaper and gives better insulation than removing wall linings.
Do I need a building consent for Insulmax® wall insulation?
YES – All types of external wall insulation, including Insulmax® and common household name insulation products require an application to council for building consent or an excemption even when installed in a home that has been built for many years.
Some local councils have given Insulmax® an exemption to this requirement and your local independent Insulmax® license holder will be able to advise you of your local situation. Insulmax® is fully compliant with the applicable New Zealand building code clauses and demonstrates compliance using the CodeMark Certification Scheme. The Insulmax® wall insulation method has held CodeMark Certification since 2016
Don’t worry about the consent process, as all paper work and consent applications are made by your Insulmax® representative.
Is my home suitable for the Insulmax® wall insulation process?
The Insulmax® wall insulation system has been designed and certified, for the walls of all older New Zealand homes. It is suitable for all types of homes including but not limited to: timber clad, masonry clad, brick clad, double brick, roughcast, stucco, fibro etc. 99.9% of older homes are suitable for Insulmax®.
Our system includes a Property Assessment before the installation of Insulmax®, which confirms the suitability of your home to the Insulmax® process and may highlight small items of maintenance that your home may require.
How do you find all the cavities/timbers?
The vast majority of homes in N.Z are composed of vertical, horizontal and diagonal timber framing called studs, nogs/dwangs and bracing. We use a variety of techniques to find the cavities formed by these timbers, including high resolution thermal imaging which some customers compare to an X-ray of their walls. Below are real images we’ve taken during installs.
How can I pay for Insulmax®?
nsulmax® is a cost-effective solution to installing insulation in your existing home. We welcome the following payment options:
Bank transfer
Interest-free offers with Q Mastercard. Spread the cost of your Insulmax® install and enjoy the benefits now. Speak to your local branch for current offers. For more information and to apply, click here
Insulmax® is eligible for zero and low interest bank home loan top ups for improving your home's health and energy efficiency. Please check with your bank as the following bank terms may change
Westapc Warm Up Loan - Interest free for 5 years
BNZ Green Loan - 1% PA for 3 years
ASB Better Homes Top Up - 1% PA for 3 years
ANZ Warm Up Loan - 1% PA for 3 years
Can you insulate brick homes?
YES – the vast majority of brick homes are built as a masonry cladding over a conventional timber framing although some are a double brick construction (Read a double brick insulation review here). We are able to insulate masonry clad homes through small holes made in the “T” joint of the exterior brick cladding. Alternatively by customer request, we can install via the internal lining, which works well if the plan is to redecorate.
Due to the drafty 150mm deep cavity found in most brick homes, they are one of the thermally least efficient wall structures in New Zealand. Before we install, some of our customers struggled to keep more than one room of their home at an adequate temperature. Customers with brick homes experience the greatest improvement in their property as the 150mm drafty cavity is converted to a wall structure containing insulation with a thermal rating of R – 4.2. New build walls typically contain insulation with a rating of R – 2.2.
Is Insulmax® Retro Wall Insulation Certified in New Zealand?
Yes – Insulmax® is Certified to insulate the walls of older New Zealand homes!
The Insulmax® Retrofit Wall Insulation Method is CodeMark certified. CodeMark Certification is administered by the New Zealand Government and is the highest form of product assurance in New Zealand. External auditing by AssureQuality ensures that our high levels of quality are always met.
Providing the product is used within the limitations of the certificate, legislation requires that building consent authorities (usually councils) must accept a CodeMark certificate as evidence of compliance with the building code. Building owners and designers can have increased confidence in the Insulmax® product and method and be assured of a smoother compliance pathway. CodeMark is the highest form of certification in New Zealand and is an unchallengeable form of product assurance.
The Insulmax® Retrofit Wall Insulation Method is CodeMark certified to be used in all existing (not new) buildings in New Zealand of any construction type or style.
How do you know the wall is full?
Our installation machinery is designed to fill wall cavities and works in a similar way as a petrol pump turning off when your fuel tank is full.
In addition, as part of our quality assurance process, we fill a sample wall during each install of Insulmax®. After a confirmation check that the sample wall is completely filled we commence insulating the walls of your property.
We also use thermal imaging cameras as a final check to assure that no cold areas of wall have been left uninsulated.
As a final check, high resolution thermal imaging cameras are used to ensure that all areas of the wall have been correctly filled. Cold areas of walls that are not insulated are very clear to infra red technology and appear as a distinctive darker colour.