Insulmax NZ Codemark certified retrofit wall insulation company

Insulmax® is the first retrofit wall insulation method in New Zealand to be CodeMark certified. CodeMark is a voluntary product certification scheme that provides an easily understood and robust way to show a building product meets the requirements of the New Zealand Building Code. A product can be a building or construction method, building design or a building material.

Insulmax® is the first retrofit wall insulation method in New Zealand to be CodeMark certified. CodeMark Certification is administered by the N.Z Government and is the highest form of product assurance in New Zealand & Australia. CodeMark certification is only awarded to products that have high levels of quality management and are compliant with the New Zealand Building Code.

CodeMark is suitable for any building product but is particularly beneficial to manufacturers and suppliers of products that are innovative, new to the market or would have serious consequences if they failed. It also provides a marketing advantage as certified products are deemed to comply with the Building Code, are listed on our public Register and can use the CodeMark brand on advertising relating to the product.

CodeMark is an unchallengeable form of product assurance. Building consent authorities (BCAs, usually councils) must accept a product certificate as evidence of compliance with the Building Code – that is, as long as the product is used in accordance with the use and limitations defined on the certificate.

CodeMark provides confidence to regulatory authorities and the market about the conformity of certified products to the requirements of the National Construction Code Series Volume One and Two.

The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) AND New Zealand’s Department of Building and Housing (DBH) manage the CodeMark Certification Scheme to support the use of new and innovative building products.

The ABCB promotes efficiency in design, construction and performance of buildings through the National Construction Code (NCC), and the development of effective regulatory and non-regulatory approaches.

A Certificate of Conformity is issued by a CodeMark certification body that certifies a building product conforms to the relevant Performance Requirements or Deemed-to-Satisfy provisions of the NCC Series Volume 1 and 2.

The Joint Accreditation System – Australia – New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) is responsible for the accreditation of CodeMark certification.

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