Insulmax winter special offer

Special offer to Insulmax Wellington region clients: WINTER 2018

Its that time of the year when we quite often start to plan that once in 10 years project of painting or renovating our homes, So we would like take the opportunity to say that its also a great time to take advantage and look at insulating your walls with insulmax, NZs first CodeMark certified existing wall insulation system at the same time.

Alternatively you might have already been considering looking at something like this based off not wanting to endure another winter with high energy costs and a cold home or a scorching hot home in summer, and you would rather not demolish the inside of you home to do so!

Our special offer to you NOW: Get one of our team round for a free assessment and learn more about our process and how simple, easy, and cost effective its is, and if you like what you hear and book the work in to be done this winter. We are very happy to be able to offer you a term where you could pay nothing for 22 months, all totally interest free (T&Cs and Fees apply) but the out come will be you being able to enjoy a home that will be more energy efficient, comfortable, with a great added bonus of also increasing your homes value, all courtesy of us working with

By using the Qmaster term you are able to make your home pay its way for a while by giving you 22 months of energy savings on the house, insulating the walls of a home can reduce your required energy for heating by up to 40%.

Over the last year we have had so many clients take advantage of terms like this and get awesome results, with many giving feed back that they wished they had done it earlier. See some of the feedback & reviews here

Insulmax is is proud to be New Zealand’s first CodeMark certified company and we have an awesome product that can insulate the walls of your home without you having to renovate or remove any wall linings. As a home owner it gives you an extra level of quality assurance, and a guarantee that you are getting awesome value for money and the best
possible long term result. Check it out here.

There is limited availability for this offer to please take advantage ASAP!

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